How to operate the ship's ventilation equipment?

How to operate the ship's ventilation equipment?

Ship ventilation equipment refers to the device that exchanges the air inside and outside the ship's cabin by mechanical or natural means, so as to ensure that the quality of the air and the temperature environment inside the ship meet the specified requirements. Ventilation equipment is divided into two categories: natural ventilation and artificial ventilation, of which artificial ventilation equipment includes fans, air conditioners and ventilation ducts.


1. Turn on the ventilation equipment

When the ship enters the harbor, passes through the boiler, carries on the tanker operation and so on the operation needs to turn on the ventilation equipment, the crew should press the open button or pull the manual control according to the need, causes the ventilation equipment to run automatically or manually.

2. Turn off the ventilation equipment

When the ship is sailing along the coast, berthing or carrying out maintenance and overhaul and other circumstances do not need ventilation equipment, the crew should stop the operation of the ventilation equipment in a timely manner. The method is to press the off button or the stop button on the manual controller.

3. Adjustment of ventilation equipment

In order to improve the effectiveness of the ventilation equipment, the crew can appropriately adjust the operation mode, wind speed and size and other parameters of the ventilation equipment. This is accomplished by using the buttons and manual knobs on the control panel, which can be adjusted automatically or manually as needed.

4. Maintenance of ventilation equipment

In order to ensure the normal operation of the ship's ventilation equipment, the crew should carry out regular maintenance and repair. Specific operations include regular cleaning of blockages in fans and ventilation pipes, replacing filters, checking the operating conditions of motors and fans, etc.


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