Galvanized Suction Port

Galvanized Suction Port

Galvanized suction port has many advantages, such as strong anti-rust ability, it can effectively prevent the suction port rust, extend the service life, and can maintain stable performance under various environmental conditions. The cost of galvanized suction port is relatively low and economical. In addition, the surface of the galvanized suction port is smooth, which is conducive to liquid flow and reduce resistance.


Where is the Marine suction port usually installed

1. Engine room: Used for cooling system, fuel system, etc.

2. Pump room: Suction port of the pump.

3. Cargo hold: Liquid inlet for loading and unloading cargo.

4. Fire fighting system: Absorb fire water.

5. Domestic water system: Provide the crew with domestic water.

6. Ballast water system: Used for suction port and discharge of ballast water.

7. Fuel tank: The entrance of fuel delivery.

8. Lubricating oil system: Ensure the supply of lubricating oil.

9. Cooling water loop: Cooling the equipment.

10. Sewage treatment system: Suction port for sewage treatment.



Images of Galvanized Suction Port

Galvanized Suction Ports.jpg

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