Flame Arrester

Flame Arrester

Flame arrester is a device that prevents the transmission of a flame through a pipe or an opening, effectively stopping fire and explosions in their tracks.

Temperature Rating:

. Maximum operating temperature

. Minimum operating temperature


Key Features of Flame Arresters:

Mesh or Element Design: Flame arresters typically consist of a series of metal mesh or corrugated sheets that create narrow passageways. These passageways allow gases or vapors to pass through while quenching flames.

Material: Flame arresters are usually made of corrosion-resistant materials such as stainless steel, which can withstand high temperatures and aggressive chemicals.

Temperature and Pressure Ratings: They are designed to operate within specific temperature and pressure ranges, depending on the application and the type of flammable material they are protecting against.

End Connections: Flame arresters come with various end connections (flanged, threaded, welded) to integrate seamlessly into different piping systems.

Maintenance and Inspection: Many flame arresters are designed for easy disassembly to facilitate regular inspection and cleaning, ensuring their effectiveness over time.


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