Fan Heater

Fan Heater

Fan heater is mainly composed of air heater and fan, through the air heater, fan blowing wind to take away the heat emitted by the heater, so that the indoor air temperature can be increased. Fan heater core is to effectively convert the heat source for heat energy, and through the forced air flow will be the heat dispersed to the indoor space, and at the same time is equipped with safety protection to ensure the use of safety devices. Safety protection devices, such as overheat protection switches and temperature controllers, ensure that the equipment operates in a safe state.


Type of Protective Device:

The temperature protector is one of the common protection devices. When overheating occurs in the heater, the temperature protector will automatically cut off the power supply to avoid fire and other accidents.

Overload protector is also a protection device, when the heater circuit overload will automatically cut off the power supply, in order to play the role of protecting the circuit.

The voltage protector is a safety protection device that prevents damage to the heater from too high or too low a voltage. When the voltage exceeds a reasonable range, the voltage protector will immediately stop the operation of the heater.

The water delivery protector is a protection device designed for some special functions of the heater, such as the humidifier function. When the water level is too low, the water delivery protector can automatically stop the pump to avoid water leakage during operation.


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