Explosion Proof Fire Damper

Explosion Proof Fire Damper

Marine Explosion proof fire damper is designed and manufactured by our company in accordance with the general requirements of GB3836.1-2000 "Explosion proof Electrical Equipment for Explosive Environments", the relevant provisions of GB3836.1-2000 "Explosion proof Electrical Equipment and Explosion proof Electrical Equipment for Explosive Environments" d ", and the current" Classification and Construction Code for Steel Ships "of the China Shipbuilding Inspection Bureau. This series of explosion-proof fire dampers has been inspected and qualified by the explosion-proof inspection unit of the People's Republic of China and has obtained an explosion-proof certificate.



1.Marine circular fireproof air damper

2.Durable and sturdy structural design

3.The gate body maintains a low leakage rate

4.The brake pad maintains a low leakage rate

5.Low air resistance

6.Multiple driving devices to choose from

matters needing attention:

1. Regular maintenance and inspection

Ship fire dampers are important fire prevention equipment that require regular maintenance and inspection to ensure their normal operation. During the regular inspection and maintenance of ships, attention should be paid to inspecting and maintaining the ship's fire dampers, promptly identifying and eliminating potential problems.

2. Learn how to use it

When using ship fire dampers, it is necessary to be familiar with the usage method to avoid unnecessary injuries or disasters caused by human error. In the training and learning of ship pilots and related personnel, the usage methods and precautions of ship fire dampers should be included in the training plan to ensure the safety and effectiveness of operation.

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