Environmental Protection Fiber Blanket

Environmental Protection Fiber Blanket

Environmental protection fiber blankets are usually made of materials with good thermal insulation properties, such as basalt fiber, mineral fiber or ceramic fiber, which effectively reduce heat conduction and thus maintain temperature stability inside the ship. Especially in cold climates, insulation materials are essential for crew comfort and proper functioning of equipment.



Environmental protection fiber blankets have a wide range of applications on ships and are commonly used to insulate bulkwalls, decks, pipes and equipment of ships, especially in areas where temperature control is required, such as engine rooms, cold storage and residential areas.


Fire resistance

Fire prevention on ships is crucial, and environmentally friendly fiber blankets usually have good fire resistance, which can maintain structural integrity at high temperatures and prevent the spread of fire. These materials can be treated to meet strict fire prevention standards to ensure the safety of ships.

Corrosion resistance and moisture resistance

The high humidity and salt spray in the marine environment can cause corrosion and aging of materials, while the material selection of environmentally friendly fiber blankets usually has high corrosion resistance and moisture resistance, and can be used for a long time in harsh marine environments without failure.

Environmental protection

Compared with traditional insulation materials, such as some insulation materials containing asbestos, environmentally friendly fiber blankets have more sustainable material sources, more environmentally friendly manufacturing processes, and reduce damage to the ecosystem. In addition, environmentally friendly fiber blankets are easier to handle after their service life, reducing the burden on the environment.

Acoustic isolation

In addition to thermal isolation, environmentally friendly fiber blankets also have certain acoustic isolation properties, which can reduce noise transmission inside and outside the ship and improve the working and living environment of the crew.

Picture of Environmental Protection Fiber Blanket

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