DN350 Dredging PE Floater

DN350 Dredging PE Floater

The DN350 dredging PE floater is a device used in dredging operations to provide buoyancy and support for the dredging equipment and pipes. The main feature of a dredging floater is its ability to float on the surface of the water and support the weight of the dredging equipment and pipes so that they can effectively remove sediment and debris from the bottom of the water body.


Good buoyancy capability

Good quality, high efficiency

Excellent resistance to rapid crack growth

Low maintenance cost

Good property of self lubricity and small frictional factor


Many dredging floaters have a modular design, allowing them to be easily connected and assembled to create the required length and configuration for the specific dredging operation. It is designed to provide stability and support to the dredging equipment and pipes, ensuring that they can operate efficiently and effectively in varying water conditions.

Main Technical Parameter

Main Technical Parameter of DN350 Dredging PE Floater.png

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