Difference between a ventilator and an air vent head
Difference between a ventilator and an air vent head

Difference between a ventilator and an air vent head

Ventilation refers to the vent pipe used in the cabin, cargo hold, pump compartment between the battery between the CO2 room and personnel often in and out of the cabin premises, to ensure that the main and auxiliary engines, kitchen stoves and other machinery and equipment for normal work and normal respiration of the personnel, to the cargo hold of the goods for ventilation and other functions.

Air vent head is set in the ballast water tanks, oil tanks and other liquid tanks and cabinets, and extends to the open deck above, in the injection or discharge of liquid to ensure that the tanks cabinets in the gas in and out of the role of maintaining equal pressure with the external atmosphere. Generally, the place leading to the air vent is the liquid cabinet.


Difference in use:

Ventilator generally leads to the place where there are people going in and out. To protect the main and auxiliary engines, kitchen stoves and other machinery and equipment normal work and normal breathing of the personnel, to the cargo hold of the cargo ventilation and other functions.

The air vent head is generally connected to an inactive closed liquid compartment. Often set in the ballast tanks, isolation of air tanks, cabinets and other liquid tanks on the upper part of the extension to the open deck above, so that the tanks and the external atmosphere to maintain equal pressure, to ensure that the tanks can be injected or discharged when the liquid gas can be smoothly in and out.

Differences in working principles:

The ship ventilator closing device is mainly controlled manually to make the blades of the ventilator rotate to the closed position, thus preventing external gas from entering the ship. This device has a simple structure, and the handwheel is usually on the top or side of the ventilator, which is easy to operate, but it needs to be driven by manpower or mechanical equipment.

When seawater enters into the air vent head, the float disc or float ball will float upward to block the water inlet, so that automatic shutdown can be realized. However, when the liquid is full of chamber, the liquid can still be overflowed through the air head, all the air head is mostly one-way shutdown function.


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