Cylindrical Rubber Fender

Cylindrical Rubber Fender

Cylindrical rubber fenders play an important role in ship berthing and dock protection due to their low reaction force, medium surface pressure, reasonable energy absorption, strong adaptability, and convenient installation and maintenance. When selecting cylindrical rubber fenders, the above characteristics as well as specific application scenarios and requirements should be considered.



Cylindrical rubber fenders are a common protection equipment for docks, with the following characteristics:

1. Low reaction force: Cylindrical rubber fenders have lower reaction forces, which help reduce impacts on ships and docks.

2.Medium surface pressure: Due to the cylindrical design, the contact surface pressure generated by the fender during force is relatively lower, which helps to protect the surface of the dock and ship from damage.

3. Reasonable energy absorption: The cylindrical rubber fender has moderate energy absorption characteristics and can reasonably absorb the impact energy when the ship docks.

4. Strong adaptability: The cylindrical rubber fender has strong adaptability to the roll and pitch of the ship when berthing, and is not affected by the size of the ship, so it is widely used.

5. Easy installation and maintenance: The installation and maintenance of cylindrical rubber fenders are relatively simple, making it easy for dock operators to operate.

6. Particularly suitable: Cylindrical rubber fenders are particularly suitable for old type docks or docks that require frequent berthing, as they can provide stable protection.

Drawing of Cylindrical Rubber Fender:

Drawing of Cylindrical Rubber Fender.png

Specification of Cylindrical Rubber Fender:

Specification of Cylindrical Rubber Fender.png

Finished Cylindrical Rubber Fender:

Finished Cylindrical Rubber Fender.png

Installation of Cylindrical Rubber Fender:

Installation of Cylindrical Rubber Fender.png

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