CB/T3657-2011 Sewage International Shore Connection

CB/T3657-2011 Sewage International Shore Connection

A/AS/B/BS Type:

Nominal pressure: PN6/PN10

Design pressure: 0.6MPa/1.0MPa

Nominal size: DN32~DN125(A/AS)

Nominal size: DN40~DN100(B/BS)

AJ/BJ Type:

Nominal pressure: PN5/PN10

Design pressure: 0.5MPa/1.0MPa

Nominal size: DN32~DN125(AJ)

Nominal size: DN40~DN100(BJ)


Main Types

A type: flange connection size and sealing surface according to GB/T 569 oil and wastewater shore joints

AS type: flange connection size and sealing surface according to GB/T 2501 oil and wastewater shore joints

AJ type: flange connection size and sealing surface according to JIS B 2220 oil wastewater shore joints

B type: flange connection size and sealing surface according to GB/T 569 domestic sewage shore joints

BS type: flange connection size and sealing surface according to GB/T 2501 oil and wastewater shore joints

BJ type: flange connection size and sealing surface according to JIS B 2220 oil wastewater shore joints


Ship domestic sewage discharge joint,B,BS,BJ domestic sewage shore connection joint: it is usually required that the discharge pipe of both sides have this kind of international shore connection joint. For special operation ships, such as passenger ferries, the ship discharge pipe can be equipped with a discharge joint accepted by the competent authority, such as quick connection joint

Type A,AS Oil and Sewage International shore joint: This joint is used to discharge to shore the engine room bilge and residual oil (sludge) tank residue.

Image of CB/T3657-2011 Sewage International Shore Connection

CB T3657-2011 Sewage International Shore Connection1.jpg

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