Bracelet Type Magnesium Alloy Sacrificial Anode

Bracelet Type Magnesium Alloy Sacrificial Anode

Bracelet type magnesium alloy sacrificial anode is an anode material used for corrosion protection, usually for corrosion prevention applications in sea water or soil. It is made of magnesium alloy and has good corrosion resistance and electrochemical protection properties. Bracelet magnesium anodes are similar in shape to a bracelet and are typically installed on equipment such as pipelines, ships, and offshore platforms to protect them from corrosion.



Bracelet type magnesium alloy sacrificial anode is a kind of cathodic protection material, which adopts magnesium alloy as the anode material and is made into the shape of a bracelet through specific design and manufacturing process. This kind of anode material is widely used in the anti-corrosion protection of metal structures, especially for the metal structures in the fields of ocean engineering, petrochemical industry, electric power industry and so on.

The advantages of the bracelet type magnesium alloy sacrificial anode include high effective voltage, high current per unit area, and the ability to be used in soil and water with high resistivity. However, it also has some disadvantages such as high self-corrosion, low current efficiency and high price. In order to make full use of its advantages and reduce the impact of its disadvantages, the current wasted by the magnesium anode can be controlled by connecting a resistor in series in the system circuit, thus prolonging its service life.

Drawing of Bracelet Type Magnesium Alloy Sacrificial Anode

Bracelet Type Magnesium Alloy Sacrificial Anode1.jpg

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