Box Cooler

Box Cooler

The box cooler contains tube bundles, tube sheets, sealing rings, water tanks and bolts. These are all the main components. The box cooler is almost the simplest cooler that can be found, and each U-shaped tube is an independent cooler, which can basically be regarded as many small coolers connected in parallel.

The U-shaped tube bundles of the box cooler are installed in the sea chest, and the hull of the sea chest has inlet and outlet water grilles. The entire U-shaped tube bundle is immersed in water. The hot fluid is in the U-shaped tubes, and the water outside the U-shaped tubes cools the hot fluid in the tubes. The water flow outside the U-shaped tubes is mainly driven by two reasons:

1. The water flow brought by the ship's sailing speed or the natural flow of water;

2. The water at the bottom is heated by the U-shaped tubes and flows upward due to the decrease in density. 


Advantages of Box Cooler

Using a box cooler can reduce operation and maintenance costs, increase service time and reduce maintenance time.

1. Eliminates the seawater pipelines in the engine room. When using a box cooler, there is no need to introduce seawater into the engine room. Therefore, the cooling system does not require seawater pumps, seawater pipelines, seawater filters, seawater valves, etc.

2. Saves engine room space.

3. Box coolers require almost no maintenance, so the operating costs are lower than other cooling forms.

4. Box coolers are more adaptable to sediment and dirty water quality.

5. Box coolers are the ideal choice for environments with sandy, ice-covered, shallow water and silt-laden water quality.

6. Box coolers require fewer pipelines. At the same time, due to the absence of the external circulation pump, energy is saved.


Box coolers can be used to cool main engines, auxiliary engines, air conditioners, hydraulic systems, etc. It can be used for separate cooling of each equipment or in a central cooling method for cooling low-temperature fresh water. Box coolers can also be used for the cooling of hydropower stations.

Anti-marine Organism Devices:

The standard anti-marine organism device is the forced impressed current anti-fouling device (ICAF). This device generates slightly toxic cuprous ions through electrolysis of copper by an impressed current to repel marine organisms approaching the box cooler. Cuprous ions are unstable and later transform into non-toxic cupric ions. At the same time, there is also an ultrasonic anti-marine organism device available for selection. 

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