Basalt Rock Wool Board

Basalt Rock Wool Board

Basalt rock wool board is made of basalt ore by high-temperature melting and fibrillation, and then add the appropriate amount of binder pressed. The production process of this material not only makes full use of natural resources, but also reduces waste emissions in the production process, in line with the environmental protection concept of modern society.



In construction, basalt rock wool board has particularly outstanding thermal insulation properties. It can effectively prevent the transfer of hot and cold air, so that the indoor temperature remains constant, reducing the operating costs of air conditioning, heating and other equipment, but also improve the comfort of living.

In addition, basalt rock wool board also has good fire resistance, can effectively prevent the spread of fire in the event of a fire, to protect people's lives and property safety.

In addition to the above advantages, basalt rock wool board also has a long service life. Its unique fiber structure and stable chemical properties make it able to maintain stable performance in a variety of harsh environments, not easily affected by corrosion, aging and other factors.

Production Process

Basalt rock wool board production process mainly includes raw material ingredients, high-temperature melting, fiber processing, curing and processing steps. The specific process is as follows:

1. raw material ingredients: basalt, slag, dolomite, coke and other raw materials into the high melting furnace according to a certain ratio, after sufficient melting, the formation of a uniform melt.

2. High-temperature melting: The melt is fed into the high-temperature melting equipment to further homogenize the melt through high temperature action and remove the impurities and gases.

3. Fiberization: the high-temperature melting of the melt through the centrifuge or air blowing and other equipment, so that it quickly cooled fibrosis, the formation of rock wool fibers.

4. curing process: the fibrillated rock wool fibers and the appropriate amount of binder, dust-proofing agent, water-repellent agent and other additives mixed, through the pressing, curing and other processes, the formation of a certain strength and thermal insulation properties of basalt rock wool board.

Picture of Basalt Rock Wool Board

Basalt Rock Wool Board1.jpg

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