Aluminum Anode for Harbor and Marine Engineering Facilities

Aluminum Anode for Harbor and Marine Engineering Facilities

 In harbor and marine engineering facilities, aluminum anodes are typically installed on structures such as piers, docks, seawalls, and offshore platforms. They are also used on ships, boats, and other marine vessels to protect the hull and other metal components from corrosion.   


Aluminum anodes are commonly used in harbor and marine engineering facilities to protect submerged structures from corrosion. These anodes are designed to sacrificially corrode in place of the metal structure they are protecting, thus extending the life of the structure.

Aluminum anodes are a popular choice for marine applications due to their high efficiency and cost-effectiveness. They are lightweight, easy to install, and provide excellent protection in both saltwater and freshwater environments.

Drawing of Aluminum Anode for Harbor and Marine Engineering Facilities(Steel tube core)

drawing of Aluminum Anode for Harbor and Marine Engineering Facilities.jpg

Datasheet of Aluminum Anode for Harbor and Marine Engineering Facilities(Steel tube core)

dadasheet of Aluminum Anode for Harbor and Marine Engineering Facilities(Steel tube core).jpg

Drawing of Aluminum Anode for Harbor and Marine Engineering Facilities(Thread steel core)

Drawing of Aluminum Anode for Harbor and Marine Engineering Facilities(Thread steel core)1.jpg

Datasheet of Aluminum Anode for Harbor and Marine Engineering Facilities(Thread steel core)

Datasheet of Aluminum Anode for Harbor and Marine Engineering Facilities(Thread steel core).jpg

Picture of Aluminum Anode for Harbor and Marine Engineering Facilities

Aluminum Anode for Harbor and Marine Engineering Facilities1.jpg

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