In the marine industry on the air compressor compressed air requirements need to be water-free, but the marine air compressor will often appear to have the phenomenon of water, resulting in the marine air compressor having water what are the reasons?

1) Lack of appropriate installation or malfunctioning of drying equipment: If the necessary drying equipment is not installed or fails to function properly (such as a malfunctioning dryer that is not detected and addressed promptly), the compressed gas from the air compressor may not be adequately treated, resulting in a significant amount of retained moisture. This hampers the ability to meet the normal usage requirements.

2) Inherent moisture in the air: Air always contains moisture, referred to as humidity. After compression, the air can become supersaturated, causing the moisture in the air to condense into a liquid form. The moisture content in the compressed air is influenced by the humidity of the surrounding environment. If the engine room or surrounding area is excessively humid, the water content in the air may exceed acceptable standards.

3) Insufficient post-treatment measures: In production processes that demand strict requirements for compressed air quality, there are typically additional measures in place, such as precision filters, to further purify the gas until it meets the production requirements. Inadequate post-treatment measures can result in water retention in the compressed air.

4) The marine air compressor itself has a clogged automatic drain or the automatic drain of the storage tank is clogged.

Marine air compressor.png