Marine Ventilation Equipment

Ventilation, also known as air exchange, is the use of mechanical or natural methods to the cabin space to send enough fresh air, while the cabin does not meet the health requirements of the dirty air out, so that the cabin air to meet the health requirements and production process needs. Ship cabin to complete the ventilation work of the facilities, collectively referred to as ship ventilation equipment. Ship ventilation equipment including fans, air blower, air ducts, diffusers, air vents,  dampers, grills and other accessories. Ship ventilation system is an important equipment to maintain the internal air quality of the ship and the health of the crew.

Ventilator: It is the core equipment of ship ventilation system, mainly responsible for drawing fresh air into the cabin and discharging the old air.

Duct: It is the pipe connecting the ventilator and the cabin, responsible for conveying fresh air to all parts of the cabin and discharging the old air.

Diffuser: It is an important part of the ventilation system, responsible for dissipating heat from the cooling water so that its temperature is lowered, thus improving the efficiency of the ventilation system.

Damper: A device used to control the flow of ducted air, usually used in air duct systems.